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Description: A skewed, satirical take on life, the universe and everything...and bombs. yes bombs.
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Web Comic: 40Lines



- Goto By: noise-e
Description: Apathetic Cyrus gets signed up by his friends for a Tetris tournament, and they will NOT let him refuse..
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Web Comic: Project K.R.O.W.


Project K.R.O.W.

- Goto By: Cassiopeia
Description: Casselia always thought she had everything, a gang, power, even guy friends. But when a new student comes to school she's somehow dragged into a game called K.R.O.W. in a different world!
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Web Comic: Present Day


Present Day

- Goto By: Nergal
Description: A young girl is transported to the future by a seemingly normal music box. The future seems like a great place with only one problem... Time traveling is illegal and the crime can only be payed for in the Bounty Games.
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Web Comic: Randomness and Entropy


Randomness and Entropy

- Goto By: Vanghar, Imber
Description: Tales of Randomness and Entropy: the bizarre tales of myself and other people, inlcluding guest stars such as a pope and the ghost of Stephen Hawking.
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Web Comic: The Desert Peach


The Desert Peach

- Goto By: Donna Barr
Description: The classic book series featuring the Erwin "The Desert Fox" Rommel's Gay Brother Pfirsich, that did to the 20th century what needed to be done, and now turns its sights upon the 21st.
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Web Comic: Comics

Name: Comics

- Goto By: Eric Erbes
Description: A collection of dramedy comics featuring pirates, monkeys, and love-lorn robots.
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Web Comic: Gravity



- Goto By: S.G Hill
Description: Based on the Gravitation anime/manga, this story follows the everyday life of Bad Luck 17 years on and the daughter of Ryuichi who was raised with two fathers after his tragic death...
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Web Comic: Hyp.H.EN



- Goto By: SW-Inku
Description: A dumping ground for my non-series comics, sometimes serious sometimes funny. With various degrees of social commentary and satire. Sarcasm will run rampant.
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Web Comic: Canadian Chubacabra


Canadian Chubacabra

- Goto By: Dane M, Drew T, Kyle R
Description: you tell me...
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