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Web Comic: Song of the Forest


Song of the Forest

- Goto By: K. Eichholz user profile
Description: Risu and Shima are two pilgrims on a quest through the great forest, but at each stop along the way, what they find is not necessarily what they were looking for...
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Weekly
Art: Brush Painting
Style: Manga
Rated: PG
Topics: Adventure, Animals, Fantasy, Nature, Action

Web Comic: Sonic Da Comic


Sonic Da Comic

- Goto
Last Published Comic: 6 Months 3 Weeks ago
Description: A Funny Sprite Comic Where Almost Everyone Is A Moron! Vote Now To See The Sonic Da Comic Secret Issues! Updated Whenever! ( Like Twice In One Day! )
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Web Comic: Tedy Bear Trauma


Tedy Bear Trauma

- Goto By: Chris Adkins
Description: A series of short stories following different characters as they murder, steal and destroy in their quest for a mysterious object. Oh yeah... they're all Teddy Bears too.
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Rating: 4.0, by 1 user(s)
Topics: None

Web Comic: Lucifer's Notebook: The Bitch from Hell


Lucifer's Notebook: The Bitch from Hell

- Goto By: Deus Abscondidum
Description: Lucifer's Notebook is a single-panel comic and in-character blog about about the chocoholic vegan virgo from Hell, and the bitter ex-lover of God. She's got a lot to say, so come listen. Note: This comic will also deal with transgender, queer and other minority issues.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: Sporadic
Art: Pen
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Fantasy, History, Life, Politics, Relationships, Work, Real Life, Romance, Spritual, Parody/Satire, Crazy

Web Comic: Infection



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Description: With Friedrich, the Jewish Pac-Man, nothing is sacred. Quite possibly the best webcomic ever created. Sure, why not.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Ashland



- Goto By: Celia
Description: A story about three teens who come together to search for a forbidden land where humans once fought for their lives. The key to saving the future is to find the answer to the humans survival a hundred years ago because no one remembers the past.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Saxxony.



- Goto By: Mike Mazguy
Description: The tale of An'Mira of the SpiderElves and her bizarre friendship with the most unlikely of friends, a half dwarven human. Featuring adventure, action, comedy, large nekkid bewbs, and an occasional bloody stump. 16+
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Autobahn - The AutoTron Project


Autobahn - The AutoTron Project

- Goto By: Rose Chevalier user profile
Description: 2034, fifty-nine years after the war in Vietnam. The world has fallen into a sea of greed and turmoil. Domestic wars take place on every continent. Power belongs to the most aggressive or the wealthy. In America, billionaires control the government and offer post-government agencies top salary to hunt down those who threaten their reign. - Rodney Cooper, the CEO of Cooper Industries, holds deep desires of reaching the top. Though out the past fifty nine years, Rodney had succeeded many roles with assistance of (the now absent) Doctor Ryan McArthur. Rodney modified Dr. McArthur's league of high-class killing machines known as Auto-trons. Welding the power of the most lethal weapons in the world, Rodney hopes to eliminate all competition to one day control all human life across the globe. - If he can seek out and destroy the mysterious vigilante group known as the Autobahn. Chaos has struck for Rodney Cooper, AT-061 CYRUS - (The successful Auto-Tron created by Dr. Ryan McArthur) discovered the secrets behind his creation. With this information, Cyrus escaped Cooper Industries and set course to seek out his original creator. Upon merging with society, the android had befriended James Flynn, an independant agent in search of the Autobahn. Cyrus uses this friendship to advance him toward his ultimate goal... to destroy all Auto-trons and eventually himself.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 3 times a week
Art: Pen
Style: American
Rated: PG-13
Topics: None

Web Comic: The Four


The Four

- Goto By: Ehren Hatten
Description: In a world of knights and kings, four women are given gifts in the name of peace that slowly turn them into the four riders of destruction. Now, they must break the curse. Can they do it?
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Web Comic: Galaxy Worriars


Galaxy Worriars

- Goto By: Me
Description: A comic I created 1-2 years ago when I started using photoshop & drawing manga. So Be warned for a seriously crappy comic. May make you laugh at the ridicouls-ness of it. Also My screenname is different on this website
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