
When Nonsense Collides!

An Embarrassment of Riches: Set 2, Part 2

13th May 2024, 9:58 AM in An Embarrassment of Riches!
An Embarrassment of Riches: Set 2, Part 2
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Author Notes:

Cartoonist_at_Large 13th May 2024, 9:58 AM
During the era of gifting Artie and Gene guest appearances in the sci-fi saga New Century Starship Synergy, I also postulated utilizing Cosmosians as background and secondary-supporting characters in other one-off projects, just for the sheer, unbridled Me-ness of it. One that actually went to somewhere more than a vague idea - but then, not much beyond a partial script-storyboard and some concept sketches - was this little number: the wacky police-procedural 'Penguin P.I'! The story (such as it was) focused on a portly penguin police chief and his hand-picked crew of anthropomorphic critters - including, as you can see, a Type-one Cosmosian - as they attempted to come to grips with and apprehend the so-called 'Body Snatcher bandit'; a mysterious figure using some sort of Mad Science gadgetry to abduct various body parts from the citizenry and digitally store them for later use. Got me cornered in an alley? Hey, I'll just pop out some monkey arms and scale the wall to freedom! Penguin P.I enlists the help of a quirky lady-Genie known as Myoko (who was originally going to show up in Synergy.... or ended up in Synergy.... or something), to tap both her eclectic knowledge base and use her shape-shifting abilities could counter the Body Snatcher Bandit's roster of pilfered appendages. Quite how I was going to get to the final act of this tale, I'm not sure - as I say, I only got a few pages of sketches and dialogue done, before busy-ness with other things dragged away - but the old chestnut of 'Big things fighting one another' was to be hauled out: finally outmatched by the Fuzz and Myoko, the Body Snatcher Bandit decides to activate his entire body part catalogue at once; turning him into a gigantic, patchwork monstrosity that Myoko must go toe-to-toe with in the form of.... you guessed it.... Gene-Zilla! I know this because, obviously, I couldn't resist drawing a doodle of it (on full display above), and recall thinking it was neat idea - buuuut then it, and Penguin P.I, got off the ground about as well as a flightless bird might be expected to do. How extensively populated the comic would have been with Cosmosians, and what roles any of them would have beyond that solitary Type-one beat-patroller? Who knows - Past-Me ain't talkin', and Present-Me just works here....
