Hey y’all still reading this,

Thanks for checking back in and staying interested in this story I’ve been writing. I realized while reflecting the other day that I’m not really having fun with producing this comic anymore. I started the outline for this setting when I was extremely young, and it evolved a lot over the years until Holystone came around. As a lover of both good art and good writing, I don’t always live up to my own standards. I’m struggling with confidence issues as well. And while this is pretty normal for a lot of artists, Holystone in its current form takes a lot of my free time and I stress out about something I feel like could be better, as well as is taking up time I could be using drawing or writing things I am enjoying and, tbh, possibly actually make money to support myself–I’m just barely making ends meet right now doing a job I kinda hate and spend a lot of my time recovering from.

But I also haven’t decided to entirely abandon Holystone yet. I still like a lot of things I’ve been doing with it. It’s just too ambitious for where I’m at, and the story contains flaws that are born from inexperience.

So I’m going on another break while I decide what to do. These are the things I’m thinking about currently:

1) Either finishing out or fully rewriting the story as an online novella with some illustrations.
2) Continue it in its current iteration, but with the art pared back, since the established style is very labor and time intensive.
3) Call the whole thing a good learning experience and maybe just do short comics in this setting sometimes when I feel like it.
4) Leaving room for other ideas to come to me with number four.

Anyway, thanks again for sticking with me. There’s not that many of you out there and I am flattered that you do like it. In the meantime, I’m going to focus on getting back into doing fanart and commissions so that I can both afford to eat, and have some fun doing it.
