



Signature Shot

I always sign my paintings on the back so as not to transform an experience into an object-Michael Carini


Regenaissance (Polyversikube)

Michael Carini | Acrylic on Canvas | 144” x 144” | 2013

"Regenaissance (Polyversikube)" is a nine canvas polyptych conceptually inspired by the principle elements of fractals, the Golden Ratio, and a Rubik’s Cube. The name "Regenaissance" is an abstract composite derived from the words Renaissance (meaning “rebirth”) and Genesis (meaning “the beginning”). Presented in a 3 x 3 structural format, each of the nine components can be moved, rotated, and rearranged so that any side of any element can connect to any side of any of the other eight pieces. The result of the calculated configurations is a broad and almost limitless spectrum of orientations and variations with which to play; 95,126,814,720 to be exact. 

1 Dream

9 Canvases

95, 126, 814, 720 Orientations

Infinite Possibility

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