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Comic 311 - 214 - Dark Secrets.

29th Mar 2024, 11:00 AM in Regular Strips
214 - Dark Secrets.
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Author Notes:

MaGnUs 29th Mar 2024, 11:00 AM edit delete
In Uruguay, your final two years of high school you have to choose an orientation for your studies, to prepare for your chosen university career (if you're going to do one). The first of those two years, you choose a broad orientation, such as Humanities, Math, Arts, or Biological Sciences. Then, in the second one, you choose something more specific.

In my case, I wanted to be a veterinarian (yeah, that changed), so I chose Bio Sciences first, then Medicine, which would prepare me for Med School or Vet School, among other things. I did flunk most of my senior year subjects and ended up finishing the last two some 21 years later, but that's a tale for another time.

I did enjoy my biology classes; which on our senior year were all about the human body. We had to learn every bone of the body, all nerve insertions in the skull, etc. And for that, we were given a permission slip from the school to go pick up a skeleton from a public cemetery. The skeleton of someone who had no relatives, and that, after a certain amount of years, was going to be cremated and put in an urn.

It's a bit sad, if you think about it, this person's remains (which we had to boil in water with sodium hydroxide to clean up) were supposed to contribute to science and healing... and I ended up being a writer, journalist, and podcaster. The two other friends with which I studied did go into health-related carreers, so there's that.

My (supposed) senior year was in 1997, and at first the bag with the skeleton was being stored at one my friends' house, but then his mom dropped it off at mine. I kept in the closet (a literal skeleton-in-the-closet, nacht) for a couple more years before my girlfriend (now wife) found it and had the beejezus scared out of her. I did not take it with me when I moved out, and I think some years later it was given to a friend of the family's kid, who was also studying pre-med high school. I *think*.

Music this time is Clint Eastwood, from Gorillaz's 2001 self-titled album:
