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Web Comic: Guerras entre Dragones


Guerras entre Dragones

- Goto By: Mirtuca^^
Description: Inspirado en un ambiente m?gico y ?pico. La historia de un joven trovador hechizado en un ser lagartoide, emprende un viaje en busca de la cura de su mal. (Spanish comic)
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Web Comic: Tattoo



- Goto By: Candace McBride
Description: Glory loved researching occult lore. It was just a hobbie until her sister killed their mother and stole the book Glory had compiled. Now she must find her sister and her book before the whole world suffers. [violence, occassional language]
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Web Comic: Magical Influence


Magical Influence

- Goto By: Thindra, Dream Drifter, Morrigan, Crystal
Description: You live, you die. That?s about it to life. But what if you find out you have the power to chance fate and destiny. Junika has that power, too bad for her the world hates magic and she comes from an ancient line of magic.
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Web Comic: The Shadow Dwellers


The Shadow Dwellers

- Goto By: Anna Castore
Description: A world in peril, a terrible curse, and an unlikely hero. Action, adventure, love, hate, and everything in-between. Enter into the world of? The Shadow Dwellers.
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Web Comic: No Need For Bushido


No Need For Bushido

- Goto By: Alex Kolesar, Joe Kovell
Last Published Comic: 167 Months 3 Weeks ago
Description: A Daimyo?s private army and ninja assassins pursue a samurai and his companions as they traverse a war torn feudal Japan. Yori Wataro may be the only hope Japan has for a peaceful future, but his own inexperience and stupidity may be his downfall.
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Rating: None, be the first to rate it.
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Vector
Style: Manga
Rated: PG-13
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Action

Web Comic: Life On Pause


Life On Pause

- Goto By: Don Oskowski
Description: To be in my mid-twenties again. So much I would change and yet so much I would keep the same. Mike and his friends have yet to discover this as they live their mid-twenty lives on pause.
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Web Comic: Flipside



- Goto By: Brion Foulke
Last Published Comic: 170 Months 1 Week ago
Description: An online fantasy comic by Brion Foulke, chronicling the adventures of two women: Maytag, a nymphomaniac jester-girl with split personalities; and Bernadette, a protective and knightly swordswoman. Find out what is in store for them...
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Rating: 3.3, by 3 user(s)
Update: 2 times a week
Art: Pen
Style: American
Rated: R
Topics: Adventure, Fantasy, Relationships, Romance, Action

Web Comic: Two Amish


Two Amish

- Goto By: Brian Johnson and Joe Parisot
Description: Formed out of boredom one night at college, Two Amish loosely follows the lives of it's creators.
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Web Comic: Nahast: Lands of Strife


Nahast: Lands of Strife

- Goto By: Al-X Melchor
Last Published Comic: 189 Months 3 Weeks ago
Description: Tesked to train a branch of the Order of the Hawk Maidens in Beldatz, swordswoman Derrexi Tzelan finds herself in the middle of a shadow war between the city's political and supernatural forces that threatens the Empire itself.
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Web Comic: HOO Cares!


HOO Cares!

- Goto By: Rob McGrath
Description: Introducing the first Managed Humor Comic Strip. As exciting as "ER." As scandalous as "Wall Street." As funny as a tank of nitrous...dropped on your foot. When it comes to your health, HOO Cares!
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