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Web Comic: Rainbow Carousel


Rainbow Carousel

- Goto By: Chloe Citrine (wyldflowa)
Last Published Comic: 180 Months 2 Days ago
Description: A story about how every person in the world may be different, but they're still all spinning on the same ride as you. Either join them and accept them, or stand by and watch life turn without you. Drama + romance with shonen-ai. UPDATES OFTEN! :D
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Rated: PG-13
Topics: Real Life

Web Comic: ESCAPE!



- Goto By: Andrea B. Previtera
Description: Sex, Oncology, Robots, Friendship, Love, Religion. ESCAPE!
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Topics: None

Web Comic: the Many Death's Of JiM


the Many Death's Of JiM

- Goto By: krazi1
Description: the only comic where the main character dies in every episode(chapter)
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Topics: None

Web Comic: The Famous 5 In Big Trouble


The Famous 5 In Big Trouble

- Goto By: MadMax
Description: The five youngest kids of the old commanders of a Marxist guerilla army in Colombia are really sick of studying Marx and living in the jungle. They steal a mega-stash from cocaine profits hidden by their dads.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Smaller World


Smaller World

- Goto By: Ricky O'Connor, Pip Gladwin
Last Published Comic: 199 Months 1 Week ago
Description: Breaching the gap between manhood and plain ol' childlike immaturity, Smaller World takes its first step.
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Web Comic: Lows at Morrison High


Lows at Morrison High

- Goto By: Lauren (ladama)
Description: misadventures of a punk babe, band geek, stoned slacker and latchkey kid at Morrison High
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Web Comic: Obnoxious Bliss


Obnoxious Bliss

- Goto By: Erebus
Description: A color weekly webcomic about some guys and their mishaps. Obnoxious jokes, and random funny 1-panel fillers.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Dane & Joe


Dane & Joe

- Goto By: Steve Ince
Description: Humorous gaming and computer related comic strip.
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Web Comic: Molotov Cocktail


Molotov Cocktail

- Goto By: Ethan and Elizabeth Baker
Description: Cold War parody and 50's topical humor. Also follows ongoing stories involving main characters with stand-alone gags between story lines.
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Topics: None

Web Comic: Strange Miss Livv


Strange Miss Livv

- Goto By: Rachel Shoptaw
Description: After 300 years of searching for her first victim's soul, Miss Livv completes the task. Now her life has no meaning, until she finds a job to keep her busy. Working for a rich eccentric woman who is trying to keep her city safe.
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Topics: None
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