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Web Comic: Ninjitsu Avenue


Ninjitsu Avenue

- Goto By: MPIII
Description: An action adventure about a time lost ninja and samurai duo.
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Web Comic: ALEX



- Goto By: Melissa Asay
Description: About a boy named Alex (17). His mom died at child birth and his father was shot. Alex is now running from police and a social worker. Alex has been running for 11 years and can't go much longer. Run, Alex, Run! Haave a blast reading this comic.
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Web Comic: Monkey House


Monkey House

- Goto By: Tom and Dave
Description: Life with Moe & Derek, a friendly monkey and his cynical roommate.
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Web Comic: Able and Baker


Able and Baker

- Goto By: Jim Burgess
Last Published Comic: 111 Months 4 Days ago
Description: The main characters Able (the monkey) and Baker (the sheep) are named after the first pair of animals to survive a space flight in 1959. Like their predecessors, Able and Baker are research animals for the space program.
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Web Comic: SQUID



- Goto By: Carolyn W.
Description: Kira thought she escaped heartbreak when she left her old comrades to live an easy life on the moon, until her old partner Orion finds her to get her to oversee the construction of her dream, a jet renowned for stealth and an unusual nickname.
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Web Comic: Escape From Planet Earth


Escape From Planet Earth

- Goto By: Jim Gullett
Description: The serialized saga of Cleetus the Fish
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Web Comic: Inhuman



- Goto By: H. Carlian user profile
Last Published Comic: 170 Months 2 Days ago
Description: After the colonization of the stars, war has broken out. The casualties are not the dead but the survivors, warped by the times. Is the future really as bleak as all this? Heavy existential philosophy science fiction. Updates Saturdays.
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Web Comic: Color Me Grey


Color Me Grey

- Goto By: YungiBear
Description: A story about a happy little six-year-old girl. Watch her go through little adventures; all the while, watch the history of her family unfold.
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Web Comic: Adventures of Tiffany and Tina


Adventures of Tiffany and Tina

- Goto By: Tiffany Jones
Description: the adventures of two wolf like creatures (called Quesa) and thier constant battles with the evil Lord Tarkama!
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Web Comic: To Be Loved


To Be Loved

- Goto By: Insanelysane
Last Published Comic: 178 Months 4 Weeks ago
Description: A fake marriage. A broken promise. A bitter and empty heart. A mystery. Travel into the mind of 16-year-old Izumi, where she comes to terms with her past and grows attached with the family she is forced to live with for the next year and a half.
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Rated: PG
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