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Web Comic: Group Anthrax


Group Anthrax

- Goto
Description: When the wave of blue light first swept the globe, leaving panic in its wake, the transformations began, and humanity started to become what they really were in their souls--many looked on their new forms with horror, but not Group Anthrax.
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Web Comic: Crib Notes


Crib Notes

- Goto
Description: Poorly Drawn. Sorta Funny. Bad Web Design. Unreliably Updated. - Now that your expectations have been lowered, come be pleasantly surprised.
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Web Comic: Uesutan



- Goto
Description: The Empire is ruled by women have the gift to capture demons and channel their powers as their own. But, there is a man who shares the gift of the Magical Girls. An outlaw he seeks redemption for his past and offers hope to those who don’t fit in.
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Web Comic: WIP



- Goto
Description: Kidnapping your eyes at least twice a month
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Web Comic: Thick Pie


Thick Pie

- Goto
Description: Two guys bitch about life, sprinkled with pop culture refrences, with a creamy-crunchy Zombie Jesus topping! Enjoy!
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Web Comic: Irrumator



- Goto
Description: Irrumator. Death. Sex. Demons. Yaoi. Evil.Sick and twisted gothic novel. For adults only.
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Web Comic: My Boyfriend's Basement


My Boyfriend's Basement

- Goto
Description: The epic tale of two nerds in love. Now with more chocobos than ever before! Updates on Mondays and Thursdays.
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Web Comic: Tantrick



- Goto
Description: A mixed up, cursed and confused young vigilante would-be assasin takes crime down a peg while trying to sort out her screwed up existance.Come along for the ride.
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Web Comic: Flying high and low


Flying high and low

- Goto
Last Published Comic: 167 Months 2 Weeks ago
Description: A student change after an explosion, then his search for his true love begins, mainly involving humor and nonsense
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Web Comic: Lead Lips


Lead Lips

- Goto
Description: Just another night on the street, Eva is kidnapped by a carful of mob members. They seem to mean business, so what can a poor girl do ...
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