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Web Comic: Rebel Enchantment


Rebel Enchantment

- Goto By: Blue Ruby
Description: Tari and Riz were two normal humans, until they were caught in the middle of a demon feud. Adaris has gone missing, and Teirid has suddenly come into power. The race is on to find Adaris, will Untrin and Fugue be able to find him before Varsus?
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Web Comic: Prilian Legends


Prilian Legends

- Goto By: J. Michael Koontz user profile
Description: Fantasy Graphic Novel - a trio of young heroes work to save their world as they unravel the truth about it and themselves.
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Web Comic: Tank'd



- Goto By: Ben Maish
Description: Cars from the 60's, guns, angry women with guns, undead skeletons, guns, strange characters, guns, twisted humor, did we mention guns?
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Web Comic: Demons Eye


Demons Eye

- Goto By: Rory O'Broin
Description: A sprite comic with lots of well known characters and a long term plot... (with lots of perverted, immature jokes too)
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Web Comic: Pupu



- Goto By: L. W. Hirvonen
Description: Finnish bunny tries to understand life.
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Web Comic: Sam and Eli's Adventures


Sam and Eli's Adventures

- Goto By: Eli Young and Sam Goldberg
Last Published Comic: 220 Months 4 Days ago
Description: Watch Sam and Eli learn! Sam is a freaking moron! Eli might belong in a nuthouse! Learn Sam and Eli! Learn!
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Web Comic: Cult of Visage


Cult of Visage

- Goto By: K. A. Hendrickson
Description: Earth is an infant planet compared to the Realm of Jenisus. Seeing Earth headed toward certain destruction, Jenisus sent his top Spirit Warrior to Prey upon Predators, so that the meek may inherit the Earth.
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Web Comic: Unnamed Comic


Unnamed Comic

- Goto By: Matthew Newman
Description: A poorly drawn comic about my real life.
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Web Comic: Battle for Rejonia


Battle for Rejonia

- Goto By: Brendanfrizco
Description: A futuristic civil war epic set in city of Rejonia
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Web Comic: Devonia Police


Devonia Police

- Goto By: Brendanfrizco
Description: Futuristic police comedy drama set in post apocalyptic devonshire
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